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How to Write Content that Connects

February 25, 2021

The goal of writing content for your photography business isn’t to sell your products and services. The goal of writing content for your photography business is to establish a connection between those you are trying to reach so that they do eventually invest in your products and services.

But how do we do that? Writing content for your photography business that connects with your ideal client doesn’t happen on accident. It requires a whole host of things.

Writing Content for your Photography Business

Know Yourself

First and foremost, in order to write content that connects with your ideal client you need to know who your ideal client is. If you are a photographer who tries to appeal to everyone, you will end up appealing to no one. People like different things, that includes small things like dark and moody vs. bright and airy but it also big things like personalities.

Before selecting an ideal client, make sure it’s one that you like but also one that likes you, otherwise your marketing is going to feel fake and forced.

Your ideal client is going to be someone who gets their exact needs met by what you’re offering. When people invest in you they aren’t just investing in your photos, they are investing in who you are as a person and as a photographer. So, what is it about you that is unique? What makes you so special? What is it that is going to make them pick you over Joe Shmo’ down the street who charges half of what you do and gives out photos that are fine?

This is the very first module in my More than Marketing course, immediately followed by your ideal client because without the knowledge of those two things, all of your marketing will be in vain… absolutely worthless.

Know them

And I don’t just want you to know small things about your ideal client. I want you to know their deepest fears and their biggest hopes and dreams. I want you to insert yourself into their daily life and really think about things like:

  • Worries- what is it that they are worried about, the thing that keeps them awake at night?
  • Triggers- what are they and where do they encounter them?
  • Emotions- At what point in the day do they lose steam or feel overwhelmed?
  • Dreams- What do they secretly wish was true about their life?

Download this free guide to get to know your ideal client better.

Free Ideal Client Worksheet | Marketing for Photographers with Ariel Dilworth

All of those things are going to inspire what kinds of things you write about whether that’s social media or a blog. Imagine all of your content fits into 5-7 various containers, only one of those containers is going to be on your products and services. The rest are going to be inspired by your ideal client.

See & Communicate

Prompts are all fine and dandy but the truth is, that’s not how you write content that connects. Stories are a universal language. We all process emotions and can share feelings of elation, hope, despair, and anger. Sharing in a story gives even the most diverse people a sense of commonality and community.

Stories make us human, and the same goes for brands. When brands get transparent and authentic, it brings them down-to-earth and helps consumers connect with them and the people behind them. Stories are:

  • Entertaining- Good stories keep the reader engaged and interested in what’s coming next.
  • Education Good stories spark curiosity and add to the reader’s knowledge or understanding.
  • Universal– Good stories are relatable to all readers and tap into emotions and experiences that most people undergo.
  • Organized– Good stories follow a succinct organization that helps convey the core message and helps readers absorb it.
  • Memorable-Whether through inspiration, scandal, or humor, good stories stick in the reader’s mind.

Our lives are literally made up of stories. It just requires you to see them. Whether it’s a recent parenting adventure or a conversation with a friend, as yourself how every single thing you experience, every conversation you have relate to your ideal client? Does it speak to one of their struggles, impart knowledge or educate? Is the goal to foster community, collaboration, or convey your values? Does it tell people a little bit about you? Does it incite action?

I don’t want you to tell the story. I want you to communicate it. Those are two different things. Telling someone something is a mere relay of information. I want you to talk about the emotions of the whole debacle.


Writing content for your photography business takes knowledge and intention because good marketing isn’t about information transfer, it’s an art form. It’s more than marketing. You need to get in the zone. Think about your ideal client, whether it is someone you’ve served in the past or a made up person. Think about them and only them. How are they feeling? How do you want them to feel when they are done writing this post?

What ever their current situation is, appeal to that. Identify with them in that with your own personal stories. Share with them what winning looks like. In doing so, you don’t just establish trust and connection but you prove your worth as not just a photographer but as a human being, an authority in their life and that is something people won’t let go of. That is how loyal clients are created.

If you’re struggling to get inspired, check out THIS blog post on how I get inspired to write content.

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Ariel Dilworth © 2019