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May Post Ideas for Photographers

May 16, 2020

If you’re just tuning in to this series, because you’re looking for post ideas for social media, look no further! I have an entire blog series dedicated to social media post ideas for photographers for the ENTIRE year!

Find the first 6 months of the year, here:

When it comes to social media post ideas for photographers, there are so many puzzle pieces to consider! But one of the most important things is to remember that social media is meant to allow us to show up regularly to serve our audience and establish connecting points with them. Because that’s what will lead to trust and ultimately BUSINESS.

One of my favorite ways to do this is to celebrate with my followers. And not just with regular wins in my business… but with ALL things.

Whether it’s Dog Day, International Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, or the old “talk like a pirate day”… I love leveraging the right obscure holidays in order to raise brand awareness. (Click HERE to learn more about Instagram for Photographers)

Do I celebrate these holidays in real life? Probably not (except Ice Cream for Breakfast Day of Course)! But the truth is, when we ignore all of these holidays, we are missing a valuable opportunity to take advantage of trending topics, fun holiday content, and establishing potential connections with our audience (yes, that’s right… I am suggesting that someone might like you more just because you both like cookies and cream ice cream the best).

So I created this list, just for photographers, so you can put them in your calendar and get to planning!

What to Post in May for Photography Business Pinterest Image | Marketing for Photographers with Ariel Dilworth
  • May 1st- “May Day” (#MayDay)! Post a pictures of your favorite wedding bouquet or a photo of some beautiful wildflowers or even your child holding some flowers and celebrate the start of a new month with your audience!
  • May 4th- Star Wars Day (#StarWarsDay or #Maythe4thBeWithYou)! I’m not going to lie to you, I’ve never seen Star Wars! However, if it is a passion of yours, share it with your followers! People love to know what makes us, “us.”
  • May 6th- National Nurses Day (#NursesDay)! Gather up all the pictures of your clients who are nurses and make a post thanking them for their hard work! Don’t forget to tag them! 🙂
  • May 7th- Thank a Teacher Day (#ThankATeacher)! Give a shoutout to your kids favorite teacher or a throwback to your favorite teacher in grade school and why! Ask your followers who their favorite teachers were also!
  • May 10th- Mother’s Day (#MothersDay)! Everyone has a mom! Give a shoutout to your mom, and all the moms! Maybe even do a blog post about your favorite gift ideas for moms!
  • May 12th- National Limerick Day (#NationalLimerickDay)! Show your audience your funny side and create a poem to make them giggle. It can be themed around life, photography, motherhood, planning a wedding, anything that they can relate to!
  • May 15th- International Day of Families (#FamilyDay)! Celebrate the families you photograph or even post a picture of your own family and let them know what family means to you!
  • May 25th- Memorial Day (#MemorialDay or #MDW)!
  • May 29th (LAST FRIDAY OF MAY)- Heat Awareness Day (#NoFryDay)! Take this hilarious opportunity to give your followers some tips on how to keep cool during their summer photo session!
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