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April- Social Media Post Ideas for Photographers

March 8, 2020

Hey you! Looking for something to post on social media? I’ve got your back. I have an entire blog series dedicated to social media post ideas for photographers for the ENTIRE year!

Find the other months of the year, here:

April Post Ideas for Photographers | Social Media Posts for Photographers | Marketing Tips for Photographers with Ariel Dilworth

Social Media Secret Weapon

Why are we on Social Media? Social media is meant to allow us to show up regularly to serve our audience and establish connecting points with them. That’s what will lead to trust and ultimately BUSINESS.

One of my favorite ways to do this is to celebrate with my followers. Not just with wins in my business. With all things.

Dog Day, International Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, or the old โ€œtalk like a pirate day” are all ways for us to raise brand awareness. Click HERE to learn more about Instagram for Photographers.

Do I celebrate these holidays in real life? Who cares!

As photographers, we should use these silly holidays to take advantage of trending topics, fun holiday content, and establishing potential connections with our audience.

Remember Kindergarten? You were friends with someone just because you both liked the swings! People like people they have things in common with! Use these post ideas to find common ground with your audience.

Social Media Post Ideas for Photographers- April

  • 1st- April Fools Day (#AprilFools)! Yep, it’s time to show them your sense of humor! Use April Fools Day as an opportunity to play a fun little trick on your audience! Just make sure it’s nothing to mean! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • 3nd- Find a Rainbow Day (#FindARainbowDay)! It seems like we always know someone in need of a rainbow! Go give your audience one!
  • 7th- World Health Day (#LetsTalk)! Go ahead, take advantage of this Holiday as a way to open up with your audience! Tell them how you are trying to be more healthy in your own life. Spiritually, physically, mentally, or emotionally, it doesn’t matter. Inspire them!
  • 10th- National Siblings Day (#NationalSiblingsDay)! Take this chance to give your audience a behind the scenes of your life by posting a pic of you and your siblings growing up with a story OR something inspirational with a picture of some siblings you’ve photographed!
  • 11th- National Pet Day (#NationalPetDay)! It’s no secret! Pets are like family! Show your audience a pic of your pet and ask them about theirs!
  • 16th- National Stress Awareness Day (#stressawarenessday)! If you photograph brands, new moms, or brides, they all have this one thing in common: stress! . Tell your audience a story about how stress has affected your life and what you’ve done to combat that! Relatable and Helpful!
  • 18th- Get to Know Your Customers Day (#gettoknowyourcustomersday)! Take this chance to get to know the people you’re talking to! Play two truths and a lie and ask them to respond with one of their own in the comments! Or tell them a few random facts about yourself and ask them to give one as well!
  • 23rd- World Book Day (#worldbookday)! Lifelong learning is super important. Tell your audience what you’ve been reading lately and ask them what their favorite book is or what you should add to your list next! Make sure you tag the authors for a chance to be shared on their page!
  • 25th- National Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work Day (#COUNTONME)! If you’re a mom-photographer! Give your audience a behind the scenes of what “working from home” actually looks like! People love a behind the scenes look at our lives, that’s why reality tv is such a hit! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • 30th- National Honesty Day (#nationalhonestyday)! Share with your audience a recent struggle and what you’ve been doing to overcome it. Share with them a honest thank you and be specific!
Website and Branding by South & Palm

Ariel Dilworth ยฉ 2019