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Instagram Post Ideas for Photographers: January

February 3, 2020

Looking for post ideas? Look no further! In this blog post you’ll find Instagram Post Ideas for Photographers for January (and every other month for that matter)!

When it comes to Instagram for photographers, there are so many puzzle pieces to consider when it comes to using this platform to grow your business. But one of the most important things is showing up regularly to serve your audience and establish connecting points with them that lead to trust and ultimately BUSINESS.

One of my favorite ways to do this is to celebrate with my followers. And not just with regular wins in my business… but with ALL things.

Whether it’s Dog Day, International Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, or the old “talk like a pirate day”… I love leveraging the right obscure holidays in order to raise brand awareness. (Click HERE to learn more about Instagram for Photographers)

Do I celebrate these holidays in real life? Probably not (except Ice Cream for Breakfast Day of Course)! But the truth is, when we ignore all of these holidays, we are missing a valuable opportunity to take advantage of trending topics, fun holiday content, and establishing potential connections with our audience (yes, that’s right… I am suggesting that someone might like you more just because you both like cookies and cream ice cream the best).

So I created this list, just for photographers, so you can put them in your calendar and get to planning!

January Social Media Post Ideas for Photographers

Instagram Post Ideas for Photographers: January

  • 1st- New Years Day (#newyearsday)! Hop on and share a new years day tradition you have or some upcoming goals you have for this year!
  • 4th- National Trivia Day (#nationaltriviaday)! Do a little giveaway for a $10 target/amazon gift card by asking a fun trivia question about your business! Examples: “how long does it take me to edit a wedding?” “how many lenses do I have in my bag?” “how much does this cost?” (include a picture of your camera with one lens and speed light attached).
  • 5th- National Bird Day (#nationalbirdday)! Whether you’re a nature photographer with an epic bird photograph or someone who photographs “love birds” (ha! I’m so punny) for a living, get on and celebrate national bird day with them!
  • 11th- Human Trafficking Awareness Day (#humantraffickingday)! This is a huge passion for me and my brand. I have done multiple fundraisers to put an end to human trafficking! Take this opportunity to get your brand on board with giving back!
  • 13th- Clean Off Your Desk Day (#cleanoffyourdeskday)! Personally, I think this SHOULD be a more popular holiday! haha!
  • 15th- National Hat Day (#nationalhatday)! Gather up all the hats you own and get a fun picture in each one really highlighting your personality for national hat day!
  • 16th- Get to Know Your Customers Day (#gettoknowyourcustomersday)! Do a simple poll, a fun get to know you story, ice breaker question, or would you rather game and get to know that audience that engages with you on a regular basis!
  • 20th- Martin Luther King Jr. Day (#MLKday)! This day is dedicated to one of History’s biggest “world changers.” Take this chance to share your favorite quote of his or share how you are intentionally trying to create a better world.
  • 21th- National Hugging Day (#nationalhuggingday)! Whether it’s some newborn twins, some adorable siblings, a daddy and daughter photo, or a couple in love, you’ve got a photo of SOMEBODY hugging!
  • 24th- National Compliment Day (#nationalcomplimentday)! Take this chance to create a pretty graphic on Canva that has one of your favorite client testimonials on it. Post about how much your clients feedback and words mean to you! If you do this regularly, be prepared to get more feedback and affirming and kind words from your clients! Money see, Monkey do!

Find the other months below:

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Ariel Dilworth © 2019