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Using Client Reviews to Get More Clients

July 7, 2020

Client reviews are a CRITICAL part of the buying process. They aren’t just there to make you feel good, they are there to get you clients! I have a whole post about HOW important they are that you can read HERE.

For now, though, I want you to ask yourself, “If I’m looking shopping for ANYTHING am I more likely to take THEIR word  for it (meaning the people who are trying to make money and are willing to say whatever it takes to get me to purchase with them) or read the words from past clients and let that play an integral role in my decision making process. I don’t know about you, but for me, it’s the latter.  And studies only prove this to be true! In fact, 85% of consumers trust reviews AS MUCH AS personal recommendation! WHAT!?!

However, in order for a client review to get you a new client they have to do one of two things: (1) it has to be seen and (2) It must be a jaw-dropping review!

Generic reviews like: “Ariel was great. Good with Kids. Highly Recommend.” aren’t helping us get new clients. Instead, we want something like this:

“When I look back on our experience and the photos I feel so much joy. Before we found Ariel, family photo sessions were stressful and no one cooperated. We’d get the photos back and you could see the misery through the fake smiles and I felt like the worst mom ever! But after our experience with Ariel, I am in awe! I have fallen back in love with my family and their each of personalities. You gave me a new perspective on my boys and motherhood andI am forever grateful.”

Sarah Bueschar, Photos by Ariel Client

Those are the kind of reviews that don’t just make people want to hire you, but hire you no matter what the cost! We want a review that truly drops the jaws of those who are reading them! More on that HERE.

For now, we are going to focus on where we should be putting reviews? How can we post them without it seeming like we’re bragging. Here’s my top tips for getting those reviews in front of the right eyes! 

Client Reviews: how to get them, where to post them, and why they matter


Social Media 

I typically post reviews on social media in the form of graphics or sneak peeks. Even if they left a review on Facebook, I like to great a cute graphic on Canva and post it on my social media pages. All you have to do is go to Canva and copy their review onto a template (the social media one is perfect). And then post away! This is an especially great way to engage people on IG since it is such a visual platform. Or, I will use a sneak peek photo from their gallery and post the review as the caption. Something like this…. 

Lastly, I utilize “user-generated content.” Basically if someone sends me a text message or thanks me publicly from their Facebook page, I screen shot that or share it with my audience. Nothing is as powerful as a review that is unedited by you. 


A positive client review has the power to turn an inquiry into a booking. With their help you can answer the questions your potential clients are asking from the mouths of others. You can help them overcome perceived risks or hurdles they might have when it comes to hiring you.

Reviews are also what turns our marketing from a sales pitch to a conversation.  When it comes to posting client reviews, I don’t really think there’s a wrong place to put them. However, there is one place that reviews MUST be posted, which is: ANYWHERE YOUR PRICING IS POSTED.

Whether it’s a separate pricing guide they receive after inquiring or a “packages” tab on your website. Anywhere you list a price, you need to have TONS of reviews. Pick reviews that help them to overrule any objections that might pop into their brain when hiring you. For example, if you are more expensive than a competitor that they are most likely looking into, it might be important to include a review from a client who mentions that “even though you were more expensive, even their stingy husband, felt that you were worth it a million times over.” 

In addition to this, feel free to post reviews on contact pages, underneath relevant blog posts, or in the sidebar of your website! By doing this, you are going to help your audience feel understood by speaking to their paint points, prove your “expert status,” as well as lay the foundation for the best possible future experience that they might have. 

Google My Business

Google reviews is currently the most commonly used platform for customer reviews. With the help of a “Google My Business” profile, anyone can create a presence for their company on this massive search engine. To receive a google review, you must have a Google My Business profile (more on that HERE). Setting this up isn’t just simple  for you. It makes leaving a review nice and easy for your client too! 

Once you set up your profile, you can create a review link so customers can write about their experience with you. 

But your my business page isn’t just beneficial for them. It also helps you, too! Due to the popularity of Google Reviews for consumers and the importance to us on ranking high up on a google search, having one of these pages is an exceptionally powerful tool for your photography business. 

How many to post

There’s no magic number here. But even a single client review helps! Bonus points if you include that persons photo. The best strategy is to collect as many client reviews as you can & use the most impactful quotes in the key areas of your website. If you want to, you can create a page for the rest. One benefit of posting a lot of testimonials is it shows not only what people say about your business, but also how many customers you have making it look as though you are in high demand.


Client reviews are important to potential customers AND our photography businesses. They shorten the amount of time it takes for a customer to inquire and book. They heavily influence how much your new clients will trust you. And of equal importance, they help you to retain customers because you will be able to make more educated decisions regarding your business, experience, and packages. If you want to learn how to help your clients leave jaw-dropping reviews instead of generic ones, check out THIS POST.

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