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August Post Ideas for Photographers

July 17, 2020

If you’re just tuning in to this series because you’re looking for August Post Ideas, look no further! I have an entire blog series dedicated to social media post ideas for photographers for the ENTIRE year!

Find the first 7 months of the year, here:

August Post Ideas for Photographers Pinterest Image | Ariel Dilworth

trust = business

Social media can be a very valuable tool for photographers! At the same time, we both know that coming up with what to post can feel like a lot! But social media is not for selling! It is is a way for us to show up regularly for our audience and establish connecting points with them. Because, when it comes to marketing, connection = trust and trust = business.


One of my favorite ways to do this is to celebrate with my followers.

Whether it’s Dog Day, International Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, or the old “talk like a pirate day”… count me in! Any excuse to celebrate with my audience and raise brand awareness. (Click HERE to learn more about Social Media for Photographers)

Do I celebrate these holidays in real life? Probably not! Except i’m definitely going to be celebrating, “Ice Cream for Breakfast Day!” However, when we ignore all of these holidays, we are missing a valuable opportunity! We need to take advantage of trending topics and fun holiday content to establish potential connections with our audience. Yes, I am suggesting that someone might like you more just because you both like cookies and cream ice cream the best!

I created this list of fun ideas for social media posts for July! Now you have no excuses! Head over to Instagram or Facebook and get to planning!

August post ideas for photographers

August 1 –

Respect for Parents Day! (#respectforparentsday) – Connect with your audience by telling them something cool about your family and your relationship with your parents specifically. Or, talk about one of your favorite moments photographing parents! If you’re a wedding photographer maybe its the mom helping the bride get ready or the dad giving her away! If you’re a family photographer, maybe its the the sacrificial love you see between mom and child!

August 8-

International Cat Day (#InternationalCatDay)! If you have a furry feline friend, take this chance to share a picture and a little caption that totally fits their personality!

August 9-

National Book Lovers Day (#NationalBookLoversDay)! Take this chance to share your favorite book that your audience would also love! Or, tell them you are looking for a new book to read and ask them to leave their faves in the comments! It’s a great way to boost engagement on your page!

August 15-

National Relaxation Day (#NationalRelaxationDay)! Tell your audience your favorite way to relax and ask them theirs! Do a poll on whether or not they are more about wine, and bubble baths or pizza and netflix for relaxation? Or, make an awesome post about self-care!

August 16-

National Tell A Joke Day (#Nationaltellajokeday)! Have a funny bone? Put it to good use and celebrate your hilarious nature on this holiday! 🙂

August 19-

World Photo Day (#worldphotoday)! Take this time to share one of the photos that inspires you the most and why. Or, tell your audience about why you chose photography or how it has changed your life.

August 26-

National Dog Day (#NationalDogDay)! It’s time to celebrate your Canine family members! Because, lets be real, if you aren’t covered in dog hair are you even living?

August 26-

National Women’s Equality Day (#womensequalityday)! Take this change to tell your audience about one of the women who has inspired you the most in life or your favorite woman author!

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Ariel Dilworth © 2019